officially try to resolve a disagreement by all facts and opinions Telama R, Yang X: decrease in physical activity from adolescence to young adulthood in Finland. Med Sci Sport Exerc. 2000, 32 (9): 1617-22. 10.10.1097/00005768-2000090000015. Ridgers ND, Stratton G, Fairclough SJ: Physical Activity Assessment during the accelerator break. Mr. Vorv. Med. 2005, 41 (1): 102-7. 10.1016/j.ypmed.2004.10.023. The PAM accelerometer (PAM, model AM101, PAM B.V., Doorwerth, Netherlands) is a uniaxial accelerometer that can be easily attached to a belt or belt. The WFP converts vertical accelerations into an activity value, that is, the PAM score, using a piezoelectric sensor.

WFP also offers the opportunity to monitor the number of minutes devoted to moderate physical activity (MPA) and high physical activity (VPA) per day. PAM data can be easily downloaded to a PC via a docking station. The validity of the PAM accelerometer has been tested in a laboratory environment and has shown that the results are similar to the MTI actuator for estimating energy consumption while walking and walking stairs [30]. The WFP has high reliability (ICC – 0.80) at a frequency of 3 Hz. Prior to the study, all PAMs were calibrated on a 3 Hz wave machine and threshold values for MPA and VPA were established using the manufacturer`s equation (SCORE PAM -(MET-0.9-1)-100). In our study, disagreement over MPA was most important for adolescents, especially girls. Young people with higher levels of education may have reported more socially desirable responses or participated in activities of different average intensity than their peers, resulting in greater differences of opinion. a fight or disagreement that ends if someone is killed or something is destroyed Buchowski MS, Townsend KM, Chen KY, Acra SA, Sun M: the energy expenditure determined by self-reported physical activity is related to body fat. Obes Res. 1999, 7 (1) : 23-33.

Multivariate regression analyses showed that wasted minutes for cycling contributed significantly to differences of opinion between the two AP policies among adolescents and adults. Ending a disagreement between two individuals or groups, neither the questionnaire nor the PAM accelerometer are a gold standard for measuring the PA, and the discrepancies between the instruments are the result of weaknesses between the two instruments. So we can only make a relative comparison between the instruments. Duncan GE, Sydeman SJ, Perri MG, Limacher MC, Martin AD: Can sedentary adults accurately recall the intensity of their physical activity?. Mr. Vorv. Med. 2001, 33 (1): 18-26.

10.1006/pme.2001.0847. Wendel-Vos GC, Schuit AJ, Saris WH, Kromhout D: reproducibility and relative validity of the brief health-enhancing physical activity assessment questionnaire. J Clin Epidemiol. 2003, 56 (12): 1163-9. 10.1016/S0895-4356 (03)00220-8. Sallis JF: Epidemiology of physical activity and fitness in children and adolescents. Crit Rev Eating sci Nutr. 1993, 33 (4–5): 403-8.