Daily Archives: 17 grudnia 2020

Service Level Agreement In Scm

No relationship in business or privacy is perfect, but why not start writing what level of service you are going to offer yourself? Supply chain managers will always bear the burden of exceptions. No one ever reaches Nirvana at an exception rate of 0%, which is why the smart supply chain manager thinks about how [...]

By | grudzień 17th, 2020|Bez kategorii|0 komentarzy

Separation Agreement In Singapore

If you decide to live under the same roof during the separation period, it is still possible, but you should not do tasks for each other, keep finances separate and sleep in different rooms. What is your intention to be separated? These two objectives may not be similar and do not assume that the two [...]

By | grudzień 17th, 2020|Bez kategorii|0 komentarzy