Landlords and tenants should take the time to read the terms and fact sheet before signing the contract. A common situation is that the tenant has exclusive ownership of his own bedroom and sharing kitchen, bathroom and laundry. The description in the agreement of the portions of the tenant`s property and the non-exclusive property guarantees the rights and obligations of all parties. Another example is that, unlike tenants, boarders and tenants, it is possible to dislodge the premises without notice. Only tenants have rights, as required by the Housing Act. Making the difference between tenants, tenants and tenants It is not always easy to distinguish whether a person is a tenant or tenant or tenant. The tenant is a person who pays the rent and in return obtains the right to occupy a dwelling house, whether it is exclusive or not, as long as he is not a tenant or tenant. A tenant has more exclusive ownership than a retiree or tenant. A exclusive right of ownership means the right to exclude from the premises any person, including the lessor.
This is different from the occupation or exclusive use in which you can have your own room, where no one else can stay without your permission. A boarder usually stays with another person and pays the rent with meals provided by the landlord. A tenant usually stays with another person and pays the rent, but is not usually stocked with meals. The following factors can help you determine if you are a tenant, retiree or tenant, but only a court can make a binding decision on this. Depending on the documents that make up the agreement and the circumstances of your situation, you are rather retired or tenant if you pay the rent and: the landlord exercises control and authority over the entire land, i.e. the tenant or tenant is allowed to reside in the premises, but cannot qualify the place of his own. The lessor provides presence or service services (for example. B, cleaning, bedding or meals) that require the landlord or its agents to interfere with unlimited access to the premises and their use. There are rules of the house that are applied. The owner/owner/representative lives on site. The duration of the agreement / the duration of the permission to stay in the house (usually short term). You and the owner only have to give a very short notice period – see the indication to leave information below.
The landlord is the person who makes the room available and gives the boarder or tenant permission to reside there. If you are a retiree or tenant, your landlord retains control and authority of the house, even if you have a key, and can enter the house without notice. If your room has a castle that physically prevents the owner from entering, this does not automatically mean that you have exclusive ownership of the room.