They will provide translator services as independent contractors of the company. Nothing in this agreement should be construed in any way that you are considered an agent, employee or representative of the company. Without restricting the universality of the above, you have no right to place the company on a liability or obligation, or to represent the fact that you have such power. You agree to make available (or reimburse the company) all the tools and materials necessary to carry out the translator`s duties and to bear all the costs associated with these obligations. You acknowledge and accept that you are required to report as income all benefits you have received under this Agreement. They accept and recognize the obligation to pay all taxes of the self-employed and other taxes on that income. You understand that you do not receive corporate-sponsored Fairlingo benefits, where benefits include paid leave, sick leave, health insurance and participation in retirement or retirement, but are not limited. Het blijft lastig, een Engels woord vinden voor `ontbinden` dat tegelijkertijd duidelijk maakt dat het niet om `opzeggen` gaat. In het Anglo-Amerikaanse recht is er namelijk geen juridische figuur vergelijkbaar met het Nederlandsrechtelijke `ontbinden`. From woorden rescind en repudiate zijn niet juist zijn als vertaling voor `ontbinden` (daar hebben we het al eerder over gehad: lees hier), en toen zei ik dat je dan maar het best kan gebruiken met daarachter (tussen haakjes) de Nederlandse term. Echter, ook terminate is maar een lapmiddel, zoals het onderstaande voorbeeld laat zien. De opsteller von vertaler van het contract heeft in ieder geval wel aangegeven wat de bedoeling is. Von de niet-Nederlandssprekende wederpartij die niet in Nederlands recht is onderlegd, daar verder wat aan heeft, is een ander verhaal……
(mijn cursivering): The date of this document and other details. This version of the agreement was established on February 20, 2015. This agreement includes the full agreement on the use of the website and its services. This agreement can only be amended with Fairlingo`s express agreement. Unless expressly stated otherwise, the conditions for the termination of your membership in the Services will survive. If a provision of this agreement were to be struck down, the rest of this agreement would remain fully in force and effective. Your profile information and photo can be displayed to other users of the site. If you personally post identifiable information in areas of the website accessible to other members or users, you should be aware that this information may be read, collected or used by them and may be used inappropriately (including sending you unwanted messages). Fairlingo is not responsible for the personal data you wish to submit to the website or for damage that may be caused as a result. These conditions explain who is involved in this agreement.
Fairlingo is a website service created to communicate between translators („service providers”) and translation buyers („service buyers”) on the Internet. If you would like to be registered, make transactions with other members and use the services available on the site, please see the following terms and conditions.