The structure of the syllable is Consonant/Vowel (CV), with words that always end in a vocabulary at the end of the word. Shona presents clusters of consonants in the form of prenasalization and labialization. All sounds in a cluster of consonants have the same place of articulation. The emphatic pronouns focus on the participant to whom they refer, such as the emphatic „himself” of English (for example, „he did it himself”, not the reflexive „he did this himself”). They are not necessary since the subject agreement is marked on the verb, but the spokesperson may choose to use it to emphasize who is doing the action. Shona borrowed many words from English, Afrikaans and neighbouring languages, z.B. mufarinya `cassava` from Portuguese Farinha `flour`, yunivhesiti from English `university`. Education: The Educational Publishing Services Group is honoured to serve some of the world`s leaders. We have a lot of experience with the Shona project, ranging from small tributaries to millions of dollars in adoptions. is the single point of contact for all of your Shona publishing requirements, including full translation, editing, production and engineering of Shona sites.

We specialize in re-sourcing shona literature, guide style and glossary development, creative and technical shona writing, linguistic shona rereading, design and office publishing, shona services, shona voice and recording projects, online writing services, fake shona terms, syntactic errors and word structure. The third largest Shona website, the world`s leading translation and location websites, offers translation solutions and related business services for a number of industries: Automotive: For our Shona customers, we bring an unprecedented understanding of the importance of the automotive industry. effectively adapts your brand voice and uses hundreds of Specially trained Shona translators in sectoral terminology.